I’ve recently finished my own study of the Gospel of John. I’ve taken notes, read into and tore apart this amazing Gospel and emerged with one thing; “1. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2. He was in the beginning with God. 3. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. 4. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. 5. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.“.
I knew before I started writing this that there was absolutely nothing I could put on paper or a flat screen monitor that could enhance or add to this Gospel. It speaks for itself in every way. It is only my responsibility to relay to you the truth it reveals. It would be impossible to tell how long it might have taken for the author to write the above scripture. But what’s amazing to me is its completeness. It was as if he could have stopped writing at that point, and well into the early morning, put down the beaten and well used wooden quill he wrote with, and wiped his exhausted eyes. Then after long moments of staring at the flickers of burnt orange that danced around the clay hardened room he sat in, would extinguish the lamp that gave off the subdued glow of the room and went to sleep. It would have been complete. But he did not. He continued, and probably spent countless nights doing the same. The Spirit was truly in this man who wrote to bring witness to the Gospel of Jesus Christ
The authorship of the Gospel is uncertain, however there are many references that indicate that the authorship is truly that of the Disciple John, son of Zebedee. Some would dispute, I however weigh what I read and infer from the Gospel itself. In the Gospel it makes mention of the author in chapters 20-24 referring to the one “whom Jesus loved”, and also in union, (referring to the author) “This is the disciple who is bearing witness about these things, and who has written these things, and we know that his testimony is true.” This is strong evidence that the author was in fact the same man who not only wrote, but witnessed the life of Jesus first hand. Keep in mind that this Gospel remains above all things a testament to Jesus Christ, and the exaltation of both Him and God.
In the following posts I will discuss five main points I took from the Gospel of John and have separated into topics, the first, Jesus is Man, secondly, Jesus is God, Third, Jesus is Love, fourth, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and lastly, Jesus is glorified.
Prefacing these points I want to say that you will find an overwhelming overtone regarding Christ as the exalted Son of God. Hopefully you will also come away with an understanding that Christ’s glorification is to be above all, of utmost importance in our lives, As we disappear, He will become known. We do not worship a weak god. A god that cannot sustain on his own, but relies on our existence for his happiness, acceptance and expression. A god who creates us to fulfill a void or ego problem in his life. Christianity has heard enough Dr. Phil sermons of a needy god whose “strength” is in his acceptance of our short comings. We worship a self sustaining God who’s glorification is not found in our acceptance of Him, but rather our love and obedience in Him. For what does God see in us to be proud of, sin? No works of our own will ever exalt God. It takes God to glorify Himself.
thanks for this fresh view of the Gospel of John and of our Jesus. I would read any book you wrote!
Should I start calling you big scary well worded man? No really, that was awesome big scary man. Can't wait to read the next one.
and what do you say about the dinosaurs? i'm guessing you either think we were miraculously put here on this planet some 4000 years or that you're a christian scientist and have a more realistic view of our evolutionary develeopment over millions of years ?? I must confess i'm appalled by the former view
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