My dog Kaiser is truly mans best friend. We bought him as a puppy when he was only six weeks old, however we had gotten to known the breeders pretty well and had visited him even before he was old enough for us to bring him home. Ally (my daughter) was just four years old at the time. With his eyes just opened, he was the only all black Dane in the litter, his floppy ears as big as his enormous paws. He was truly awkward and terribly clumsy (a foreshadow of the years to come). But even at that age he loved being close to us. We waited in anticipation of him weaning from his mother so that we could take him home. The early part of his life was trying, to say the least. We found that he is a very sensitive dog and actually experiences separation anxiety when we leave. But when he’s with us he finds comfort in being close. Over four years later and still his greatest comfort is his closeness to us. He spoons us during naps and at night, and takes every opportunity to be with his family. Giving us sad eyes when its time for him to get down off the bed. Not so much because he was comfortable, but because he couldn‘t be close to us. He races clumsily to the door at our arrival, even if I’ve only been gone 30 seconds. His excitement when we come through the door is so passionate its almost dangerous. Bucking and snorting like a bronco with a small stuffed animal present for us in his mouth, he wags his tail fanatically. He absolutely loves us. His loyalty far surpasses even ours for him. Ally nimbly ducks and dodges past his wet kisses quite often while playing a game of tag or fetch with a stuffed animal. It looks pretty funny when Kaiser outweighs the master (Ally) by 100 pounds. But they play so well together and usually end it with a hug and kiss by both of them. We almost lost him a few years ago to bloat which is a dangerous condition for dogs. The saddest thing was watching him wither away with those sad brown eyes staring at us, too sick to move most of the time. But we stuck with him through thick and thin regardless of the monetary cost. He’s worth every penny and is healthy as an ox now. Our family absolutely loves him. So your probably wondering why I’m telling you about one of my best friends of four years? Well, today at one in the afternoon we will be permanently surrendering him to an animal rescue, as we are unable to have multiple pets in our condo. We didn’t have the heart to tell my daughter until just yesterday evening. There is absolutely no way to describe in writing the sorrow and anguish I saw in her eyes as tears uncontrollably ran down her face. She instantly needed comforting. This is her first true loss of someone she loves so much. It literally broke my heart to watch her suffer, and I cried. I cried out of agonizing sadness for Ally and my wife. It is very difficult to watch those we love so much, suffer so badly. If you haven’t experienced this type of sorrow yet, you have not lived long enough.
As humans, there is something in sorrow that allows us to engage in it with others. There is an affectionate interaction we feel toward one another. We share in others sorrow, making it our own. And in compassion, we offer strength, and healing to those grieving, even in the midst of our own sorrow. It is our ability to knowingly and actively love, comfort and show empathy that makes us human.
But why all this? Why the long, sad story? Why the story about some stupid pet that you’ve never even met ? Why should you care about a 9 year old kids broken heart? Or her dad that loves her more than words could express? There are two words in the Bible that give authority to mans overwhelming sorrow filled experiences. These two words make up the shortest verse in scripture, however they speak the loudest about Christ as fully man. John 11:35, “Jesus wept.“ Just as you have wept, and I have wept, Jesus wept. He felt an overwhelming compassion for those He loved. Truly we can all relate to pain and misery, grief and tremendous suffering. So can Jesus, our Father who sees the sorrow and anguish in our hearts. Our Father, who loves us more than words could express. Jesus wept.
Originally I had prepared to give some deep theological thought to this post, commenting to “Jesus as man“. I however was not prepared for what God had in store for me with the news that the rescue could take my friend so much sooner than I expected. Then to see the pain my daughter was going through literally broke my heart, and it was then that I realized theology and study meant so little. Because the truth is “Jesus wept,“ And we instantly knew how each other felt…
That has to be the saddest thing Ive ever read. Im a dog lover. My best friend, the one I always talk about, got rid of his Great dane because he couldnt really spend time with her and it was one of the hardest things ever. It was so sad! Im sorry you had to do that. :(
It is great to see the heart you share with Jesus. However, don't forget that is a theology of a Jesus that weeps that forms your posting, not pointless study.
Much grace
I'm answering the phone at work with sobs in my throat as I read this. I am sorry for the difficulties you all have been thru this year. We love all of the Todds.
DT,JT, & AT...i am sorry.
Oh my gosh sweeeeeeet. Lathrup Village PD eh? Neat! My hamster is part of the Hamster Highway Wheel Patrol. No seriously, I swear it exists! Ok fine, Im making it up.
Isnt Lathrup Village pretty small? The chief's name is Bob Jones according to the website. That sounds like a small town chiefs name like Andy Griffith.(Yeah Im a dork and looked it up out of curiousity) I guess theres nine sworn officers according to that site. Our department has around 40 ish.
Quite a difference from D town eh? Thats good. Change can be good. Are they going to let you go laterally and keep your seniority you had from the other PD's? That would be nice if so. I dont know how long you had on so I dont know how much it would help or not help.
Im a total nerd about this stuff thanks to Maranito and others around here so I apologize for the potential barrage of questions I may throw towards you. lol. Sorry!
Ok well Ill talk at ya soon.
You cant rip on Mike for not posting if YOU dont. :P
I hope the red suited stalker man brought some cool stuff for you. I plan on tuning into Southfield tomorrow but I am probably getting up after you are already off. LOL hey..they have a Lathrup Village frequency available, is that an accurate one to use?
On my whole bloggy thing: I definitely appreciate your upfront nature. I value someone that can be honest with me. I think you make some good points.
I do want to mention one thing though. You said almost verbatim something that Mano (a friend of mine) says to me. You said, I also get the impression that you dont like authority, unless your the one in the position of it. He has said that to me before too, and I thought it was kinda ironic you managed to come up with almost the same exact thing he said. Whether its true or not, who knows. Probably, if two separate people that dont know each other said it to me.
I blogged again as always so go check it out if ya want. Catch ya later! (maybe on the scanner! Yay!Or..in person at Journey lol :))
But Seriously......NEW POST!!!!!!
kaymac, I assure you the manly is working on a good one. =)
JT..ok, i will be patient. (Is this really Juney...or is it someone who is using her name?)
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