Friday, October 19, 2007

But Seriously... Sermons Destroying Christianity?...

I was distressed today after reading what I considered a very angry blog titled "Are Sermons Destroying Christianity?".

Let me preface by saying that no approach to Christianity is perfect, save Jesus teaching the Gospel Himself (In a literal not just Spiritual sense, for all of you philisophically theological geeks who would normally call me on the broad statement). With that said let us be cautious in speech when refering to the Bride of Christ. And let us remember that it is the content through the Holy Spirit of God, not the weekly structure that reveals Christ. Are there better ways than a weekly sermon to relay the Gospel? Sure. Are they all reasonable answers to an age old question of sermonizing and discipleship? No.

The author of the blog stated this, "I really hate sermons. They are ineffective, unbiblical, impersonal, condescending and extremely destructive." I believe that generalizing is a very dangerous thing, especially when referring to Sermons. He does however admit that he was referring to weekly sermons, although I believe that again, structure plays very little importance in the Kingdom when comparing it to the content. I believe that sermons have the potential to be all of the above. But not as a rule. Im saddened that the Church has let this man down.

I believe that sermons can be very effective. Just listen to Edwards, Piper, Driscoll, Luther. Wonderful Pastors with the Spirit of God pouring out of them. Or should we learn from their books but pretend they dont speak in front of the pulpit on a weekly basis. I believe that sermons are also biblical. In todays society we are more calculated in our speech and not so "on the fly", but scriptually Jesus and the Apostles preached regularly, even in the synagauges, and only a handful of times were you given any idea of the times or days they were spoken. Not to mention the more than likely thousands that are not in scripture. We can not assume that these men led by the Spirit of God only taught in the synagauges where scripture quotes it. As far as impersonal, condescending and extremely destuructive leads me to believe that the author has a personal bias against weekly sermons due to some bad experiences. I however do not. Would this author feel the same way if Jesus were standing at the podium each and every week at the same time on Sunday, or can we infere that Christ has led His Spirit to do it for Him.

If it comes down to content, lets talk content. But do not relate all sermonizing to empty pastoring. Sermons play a definitive roll in Christs Church. I believe it is scriptual and I do believe that it is a wonderful tool God has given us. One of many.

I agree that there are a million and one problems in the Church, however I believe that posts like that further segregate and do not build up the Church of which Christ is the cornerstone. I believe the corrections should be in the attitudes and messages given. Many messages (not all) are empty of Gospel and full of self help rhetoric. That, I would consider not scriptual. Not the manner in which the gospel is delivered to us. We should focus our attention more on destructive sermons, not sermons being destructive to Christianity.

The below link is the post which im referring to. I was distressed by much of the post but opted not to write about evrything. I believe that the author makes some good points however thay become back burner to what should in my opinion be a non issue.

1 comment:

JT said...

"I agree that there are a million and one problems in the Church, however I believe that posts like that further segregate and do not build up the Church of which Christ is the cornerstone"

Amen, let us build. build. build.

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