OK, heres the deal. I no sooner started a Blog on some off brand site that I realized I could'nt get rid of the ridiculous Ads on the side of the page. The following post was one I had written after creating the old Blog. And having just started the Blog, I already found problems. The first is, to the right of the post was an Advertisement that stated PIMP my cell. What is this supposed to mean. What does it mean to "PIMP" my cell. Does this mean I should charge money for "my" phones services to dirty old men who dont get good service at home? The meaning of the word has apparently been lost. To PIMP means something good now. How did it go so wrong. In 30 years some 15 year old is going to come across the movie "Super Fly" (a 1972 wonder) on Turner Movie Classics and find humor in the fact that some Jive Turkey named KC wearing ridiculously oversized bell bottoms calls himself a PIMP because he manages prostitutes. Then in the Irony of it all this 15 year old will leaf through a Hustler magazine, light up a Marlboro and toss $30 bucks towards his now ex girlfriends abortion never thinking twice that hes already been PIMPED. But I suppose being the PIMP is always better than being PIMPED.
Not bad, for a manly sidekick.
sooooooo did you "pimp" your cell?
kidding... welcome- ;)
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