If I were to stick strictly to the plan, I would be blogging about “Jesus is Love” right now. But “Jesus and the Holy Spirit” has been on my mind lately so I guess I should talk about it. First off, this study has given me a whole wonderful understanding of the Holy Spirit through Christ. I am eternally indebted to Him for understanding and boldness in His name.
In the Gospel of John, Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as the “helper“. I’m not sure how the translation came to be, as the term “helper’ in today’s society tends to reflect someone who may throw input your way when you need a last minute idea for that meeting with the boss, or might assist you after times become difficult, or perhaps that last nudge that puts one over the top of some trivially difficult situation. Either way a “helper” tends to be someone that is needed on a part time basis, not always present unless called upon, and that still does not always mean that what ever help that is given will be accurate and helpful. As a matter of fact when I think of a “helper” the first thing that comes to mind is a underachieving young assistant with too much mousse in their hair, on some overdramatically high paced time ticker, chasing down an expensive cup of coffee for some powerful money hungry tycoon fellow who’s too lazy to get it himself. And maybe I watch too much television. Either way, our idea of a helper is altogether temporary and fallible to human error.
I believe that The Holy Spirit as Christ’s promised “Helper” is quite different, and not only a cohesive member of the Trinity but the continuance of Christ’s work here on Earth. The Holy Spirit was ordained by Christ, but not given freely until His ascension to heaven. (John 7:37-39) It is the unbreakable bond between ourselves and Christ. The Holy Spirit, promised to us by Christ as an internal holy gift from the Father remains with us eternally, and dwells forever in us (John 14:15-17). And for those that love Christ and keep his word are loved by God, and therefore The Spirit dwells within them (John 14:24).
Christ promises Himself to us as followers and servants to the Father with manifestation of Himself in us (John 14:21). This wonderful gift from Him, impresses on our hearts the will to do His will. He instructs us that the Spirit teaches us all things and brings remembrance of all that Christ has taught (John 14:26). The Holy Spirit reveals God’s Truth in us for the continuing the glory of God. It gives power to the things our hearts are not inclined to. There are things that the Spirit is responsible for in us that we alone could never achieve. Examples of this living testament are numerous in prayer, peace, grace, patience, love, humility, forgiveness, humbleness, servitude and much more. It gives us power to do the will of God and make His glory known to all. The Spirit gives us peace, for the Spirit is peace. It also gives us strength that our hearts will not be troubled nor afraid (John 14:27) as is spoken to the Apostles.
To be Baptized with the Holy Spirit is an emersion in God’s holy union and power. The Holy Spirit is spoken of as a holy power (Acts 1:8) that enables one to witness to the glory of God on his behalf. The Holy Spirit, Empowers (Acts 2:4, 20:28), Comforts (Acts 9:31), Assures (Acts 15:28), Loves (Romans 5:5), Hopes (Romans 15:13), Teaches (1 Corinthians 2:13), Sanctifies (Romans 15:16), Joys in (Romans 14:17), and Compels towards (Acts 13:4), and for those that believe in Him and repent of sins shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). Thus the Holy Spirit is interwoven in a believers heart, not sprinkled upon us like rainwater in a storm of petition.
The Holy Spirit empowers us to speak with conviction, boldness and certainty, the truths of the Gospel of Christ (Acts 4:8, 4:31, Acts 7-Stephens speech and stoning, Acts 13:10, as well as others, too numerous to note). I do not apologize for spilling into Acts and Romans concerning the Holy Spirit as a great deal is learned about the Holy Spirit from them.
The Holy Spirit helps us live out the gospel by assisting in the transformation of, and creating in us a new person, as the old has passed away (2 Corinthians 5:17). For who could will good, and the glory of God if not empowered by the Holy Spirit? Remember that this gift is to be used not sparingly, but boldly for the glory of Christ. This gift is the power given to you by God, and its power is without restraint or boundaries. It is a precious holy gift individually crafted to each, not a blanket for all proclaimed “Christians”, and with it reveals gifts, of faith, hope and love.